Danmark lukker ned, men I kan stadig aflevere jeres farlige affald / Waste deliveries at our premises in Denmark.

(Information in English - scroll down)

Vi har iværksat en beredskabsplan, som følger myndighedernes anbefalinger. Vi beskytter vores medarbejderes helbredssituation, vores kunders affaldsleverancer og sikrer, at behandlingsanlæggene kører på fuld drift med nødvendig bemanding. Vi modtager i øjeblikket kun strengt nødvendige besøg.

Alle vores medarbejdere, som kan arbejde hjemmefra, gør det. Alle lastbilchauffører, der kommer til vores anlæg, skal følge vores anvisninger og undgå kontakt med andre personer hos os ved bl.a. at blive i eller omkring lastbilen. Vi beder om, at I hjælper os med at tage alle nødvendige hensyn.

Vi er klar til at hjælpe jer. Ring eller skriv til os, hvis I er i tvivl om, hvordan I forholder jer til et sikkert samarbejde med os i den aktuelle situation. Såfremt situationen ændrer sig, opdaterer vi siden her. 

Fortum Recycling & Waste Danmark

Waste deliveries at our premises in Denmark

Fortum Waste Solutions has launched a contingency plan that follows the recommendations from the Danish authorities. We aim to protect the health of our employees, our customers' waste deliveries and ensure that the treatment plants run at full operation with the necessary staffing. In the current situation, we only receive visitors at Fortum’s premises with critical business needs.

Truck drivers can deliver waste at our plants. Our directions must be followed and close contact with our staff must be avoided. Stay in or nearby the truck. In the current situation, it is not possible to shower or change clothes at our facilities. We urge you to take all necessary considerations into account. In particular:

• Keep a good distance from others
• Wash hands frequently and thoroughly during the day
• Cough and sneeze in the sleeve / elbow
• Wash hands after blowing the nose

Please be aware, that the Danish borders has been closed. It is possible to cross the border between Denmark and Germany at Sæd, Kruså and Frøslev in case of delivery of goods and services. In case of a shipment of waste to or from Denmark you must in advance confirm with the treatment-/receiving facility, that they will accept the waste. Any changes in route caused by the closed borders should be informed to impeksp [at] mst [dot] dk. We will keep you informed of any changes in the status for shipments of waste”

We are still here, ready to assist you. Please call Customer Service +45 8031 7100 or send us a mail to kundeservice [dot] rws [at] fortum [dot] com should you have any concerns how to visit our sites in a safe and secure manner in the current situation. If the situation changes, we will update you.

Fortum Recycling & Waste Denmark